Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My 2010..

I wonder if I am running out of luck this year. I have been pretty unlucky since the start of the year. It all starts from losing my old handphone..

I made a serious blunder at work.. got scolded by someone high and mighty for being late for a briefing that I did not know until that morning.. work is increasingly more stressed now. I got no motivation and interest to work. I also lost some money along the way.. I think I actually gave a cab driver 100 dollar note instead of a 10 dollar note. 100 dollar note was from my petty cash, cash I got from doing overtime. Now, I lost most of the overtime claim for last month. Then for no reason, my left cheek started to swell yesterday. I went to see a dentist today and was told I needed to do root canal treatments for two of my bad teeth. The few filings I did didn't turn out useful. For one tooth, it costs around 1100. Two means around 2200. Now I need to think twice about going somewhere for a longer holiday.

I hate this year. I seem to be jinxed. I need some good luck charm to survive the rest of the year.

As the saying goes. we are the master of our own life, to be happy or unhappy, to be positive or negative. I know I need to be positive in my thinking as I believe only positive thinking can lead to good happy things. However when the whole world comes crashing down, staying positive is the last thing on your mind and is the most difficult task to do. No wonder they say only the fittest can survive.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

As what Biye always said "You are SELFISH CREATURES! "

I realized it doesn’t pay to be helpful towards people. I should have just done my own scope of work and not care about others. As they said, the less you do, the fewer mistakes you made. I feel slightly indignant when they don’t appreciate and laugh at you. Sigh.. lesson learnt this morning.. be selfish sometimes and think for only yourself. I am now afraid to render any help.. better to steer clear of any potential trouble.
I have also been arrowed to do something which is not supposed to be my jobscope already. Hmmph!!.. quite unhappy about it.

Sigh I am slowly losing morale and interest in my job. I hate the reshuffling of job duties until things are now so messy. I am the most affected. When anyone in the team is not around, I need to cover part of their jobscope. It means I can’t take any break whenever anyone is not around to work. Just thinking of it makes me irritated and feel unjustified.

I think I need a good break soon. Can I take a permanent break? It’s tempting =P
I have thought of moving on to somewhere else but there is this inertia of moving. I am scared of entering into a worse off shit hole. Furthermore, there is still one area that I still haven’t got any chance of learning. Based on the current situation, I don’t think I have any chance of doing it hands on either. SIGH I FEEL LIKE QUITTING ALREADY! The attractive thing about staying on is the 13 month pay out scheme. Then again, the pay raise from changing job will compensate for it.

PS:. Just saw an article that said work life balance is vital to our well being. If only we can really do as what it preached.