The first time I felt so angry at my mum
Mums can really piss you off sometimes because they are too concerned, too naggy and too bossy.
I am pissed at my mum today because she threw away my bank book! Although it wasn't on purpose, she shouldn't have meddle with my things in the first place. She can look at my bank book but she shouldn't have taken it and lost it! She should have trusted that I can tidy my own room myself.. I have already told her I did..but she didn't, so she went to my room, went through my things, saw my bank book and misplaced it. She said she might have threw it away with all the useless items, hence my bank book should be now in the trash, awaiting to be burnt. Although I don't have much money in my bank account, although I haven't updated my bank book for a long while, my mum shouldn't have done it. She doesn't even feel apologetic.
What an unpleasant incident to end the last day of my 2006. I realise mums are often the one to piss their children, not daddies because they love us way too much.
Wow it's the first time I felt myself fuming mad at my mum and it's all because of a bank book! Myabe money is evil..hahahaa
Listening to the song "Tie Chuang" by Mavis Hee whilst walking in the rain, I felt so cold. Just an eerie feeling I have...
Stepped into Vivocity for the first time.. I was nearly lost, couldn't find the way to the mrt. hahhaaa.. felt as if i was still a small child as I entered into the Candy Empire. I simply adore chocolates Yummy!
I felt so happy all of a sudden although I was alone walking there..hmm discovered that my recent posts are all bright and sunny hahahahaa. Nothing much happened, it's just me keeping myself positive everyday and appreciating the little things in life. Why make yourself grumpy and in turn affecting others? So smile and be happy!!!
lalallaa. again =)
Had a one day break today from work.Can't believe the day just passed by so quickly.. looking forward to this Friday and the weekends. Been thinking of having fun these few weeks.
One more week to xmas! well ladies, are you all in the festive mood?
PS: Jun said it's obvious but I still dun see how it is obvious. In any way, I dun have a choice.. hahahaa
Tada This is for Mr QM
This post is specially for a dear friend whom I known for 9 years!! His birthday falls on 10 Dec 2006, two days after JY's. He's in my sec 1 leisure camp group.. we were allies in sec 2 when we were group leaders... surprise surprise, JY is also his co-partner that time too! This guy is a very sweet and thoughful person, he's quiet but very smart leh. DSTA scholar.. wahahaa. He's very skinny! Last time he used to wear glasses and looked so si wen. Now he is adopting the yo yo funky look. :P I used to be as tall as him or may be taller? but now I feel intimidated sometimes when I walked next to him. He has grown so much taller and bulkier.. but still quite skinny la. However, he is still that thoughtful and considerate guy.. hmm someone you can bring home to your parents. whahhaaa..
Although he looks that decent, this guy is also full of crap. Or else how to be good friends with me and JY?? oh the group of us went Thailand together for exchange too.. those were the days I really missed a lot. Oh I still remember for POP, he wrote me a small note..
"在你門之中, 觉得你最有那种'sae3" 那种'character'.. blah blah blah.. That's the impression I gave others when I was in secondary school.. acting cool ba. I wonder if I still give people such cold feeling? hmmm...
Then his handwriting is so nice lo! girly handwriting.. :P and he even laminated it! =) thoughful act again right? I think quite a few juniors actually have a crush on him secretly.. including someone in my own sec 3 squad. He however had crushes on my own squadmates lo.. hahahaa.. He is also quite IT savy.. my IT project in uni year 1 was partly done by him.. hahaa got online help from him.
Everyone's asking about the two of us.. even JY's mum wants to pull us together. Hmm.. we are not each other's cup of tea or soda la..he prefers petite demure gers hahaaa like any normal guy but I am not la. Sigh.. i dun stand a chance. hahaha. What can I say? we know each other too well already so JY, you can drop the idea of us being together. He's my advisor in luv le.. hahaha.
Well, finally happy 22nd Birthday, my dear dear pal! this is the post I owe you long ago. You din give me your handsome photo, so dun blame me for not putting your face here.
Meet junli and Stephanie to go Harry's bar.. it was NBS alumni night. Tixs were cheap, we got free chocolates and candies as door gifts.. junli also won a bottle of red wine. Saw the mkting gang there.. so I hanged out with them at Mos.. it was free too.. wahhaaa. After that, Jamie drove us to Rochor for beancurd.
I only officially ended my fun at 1.45am. Haven't been playing so much since a long while i think. Enjoyed myself so much! lalalaa. =)
Had a fantastic time shopping with Ann yesterday! It seems so long since we meet up!! hahhaa.. really enjoyed myself. It seems that I haven't been catching up with some grps of friends for a long while.. will make arrangements soon.
Life can be so simple sometimes.. =) lalalaa